
Differently-Abled Children Mistreated by Staff Members at National Special Education Centre in Islamabad

Chairperson Mehreen Bhutto promises strict action against staff members responsible for the mistreatment of students.

News Desk
1 Min Read
Differently-Abled Children Mistreated by Staff Members at National Special Education Centre in Islamabad

The National Special Education Centre for Hearing Impaired Children in Islamabad’s H-9 district is under investigation after horrific videos of staff employees abusing pupils with disabilities were made public. In the films, senior staff members are shown striking pupils with shoes and even yanking them out of bed by their hair while using sticks to strike their hands. Social media users are outraged by the video and want the staff members involved to suffer severe and swift repercussions for their behaviour.

The Standing Committee on Human Rights of the National Assembly has also taken note of the issue. The chairperson, Mehreen Bhutto, denounced the assault and pledged that anyone culpable would face harsh punishment. It is wrong to mistreat children who have special needs since they need specialized care. The episode emphasizes the critical requirement for stringent supervision and regulation of educational institutions serving vulnerable groups.

To prevent similar occurrences from happening in the future, it is essential that the government take prompt and serious action against those at fault. Everyone should place a high premium on the welfare of children with special needs, and mistreatment of any type should never be accepted.

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