
Sputnik V COVID-19 Vaccine Developer Murdered in His Home

Andrei Votyakov was one of the 18 scientists who worked on the vaccine last year!

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Sputnik V COVID-19 Vaccine Developer Murdered in His Home

Russian scientist Andrei Votyakov, who had collaborated on the Sputnik V vaccination for COVID-19, was shockingly assassinated in his own home. Votyakov was one of the 18 scientists who worked on the vaccine last year, according to claims in British media.

Votyakov was killed by strangulation after someone violently entered his residence, according to the police. A 29-year-old has been detained by the police on suspicion, and inquiries are still being conducted.

Concerns regarding the safety of persons engaged in important scientific initiatives have been raised as a result of the unfortunate news, which has shocked Russia and the scientific world. Votyakov made significant contributions to the fight against COVID-19, and the scientific world mourns his early passing.

The incident emphasises the requirement for better security protocols and safety safeguards for persons participating in important research and development programmes. The Russian government has not yet made a statement on the subject.

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