
Pakistani Students Injured in Bishkek Mob Violence

Around 6,000 Pakistanis are studying in Bishkek, where mob violence erupted after some Egyptians quarreled with locals.

News Desk
2 Min Read
Pakistani Students Injured in Bishkek Mob Violence

Five Pakistani medical students were injured in mob attacks targeting foreign students in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on Friday night. The violence reportedly erupted after a video of a fight between Kyrgyz and Egyptian students went viral.

Pakistani embassy officials confirmed the injuries and advised students to stay indoors. However, some students allege a lack of support from the embassy and are calling for immediate evacuation.

Nisar Ali, a 23-year-old fourth-year MBBS student from Peshawar, said the local police appeared to be “assisting the rioters,” instead of stopping them. He claimed the violence targets all international students and described many of his friends being injured. Students reported limited food and fear venturing outside.

Both Ali and Muhammad Waleed, another student, appealed to the Pakistani government for immediate evacuation, citing a lack of embassy support and ongoing safety concerns. Waleed reported seeking shelter at a human rights organization with other Pakistani students.

A Pakistani resident in Karachi expressed concern for his daughter trapped in an apartment near the attacked hostels. He criticized the embassy’s limited communication and urged them to arrange safe passage for his daughter and other students.

Pakistan’s foreign ministry summoned the Kyrgyz envoy and demanded action to ensure student safety. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif also expressed concern and directed the embassy to assist Pakistani students.

The Pakistani embassy confirmed contacting over 250 students and families. They emphasized the emergency contact numbers: +996555554476 and +996507567667. They advised texting or using WhatsApp if phone lines are busy.

The Pakistani embassy stated the violence targets all foreign students and is a developing situation. They assured updates would be provided to the Pakistani community in Kyrgyzstan and their families in Pakistan.

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