Karachi witnessed a glamorous night as the highly anticipated crime thriller, Leech, had its grand premiere at Nueplex Cinema DHA. The film, starring Naveed Raza and Mahsam Raza, promises a thrilling ride into the dark world of greed and power.
The red carpet was graced by the who’s who of the Pakistani entertainment industry, including Yasir Nawaz, Danish Nawaz, Wajahat Rauf, and many more. The film’s leading stars, Naveed Raza and Mahsam Raza, expressed their excitement about the film’s release, highlighting its unique blend of action, suspense, and environmental themes.
Leech, produced by HUM-YS Films and powered by Dua Group, is set to hit cinemas worldwide on August 9, 2024. The film explores the complex characters of Israr and Baloot, played by Naveed Raza and Mahsam Raza respectively, as they unravel dark secrets and power plays.