
Dawlance Achieves another Milestone by Launching Vertical Freezer

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Research conducted by Dawlance revealed that almost 74 percent of Deep Freezer users felt it inconvenient and unapproachable, at the same time, retrieval and excessive cleaning is also a hassle. On the other hand, 73 percent of consumers (mostly women) are ready to opt for other convenient freezing solution. Based on this consumer insight, Dawlance realised that vertical freezer was the right answer to consumer needs because it offers organised and convenient storage design with excellent quick-freezing and long term cooling retention capabilities. Drawers with a solid front also make the storage area more enclosed, so less cold air escapes when you open the freezer. Lower freezing temperatures of -18oC ensure that the food is frozen in the shortest possible time and it maintains optimum food quality when used for cooking. With addition of Vertical Freezers Dawlance once again has proved to be the reliable brand continuing to enrich the trust of its Pakistani consumers by offering them the most relevant & healthy solutions at an affordable price.

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