A-lister Brad Pitt is being criticised for allegedly abusing his children. He is also being accused of doing this with Angelina Jolie, whom he allegedly “threw around like a rag doll” while flying from France to California. This accusation and the comparison between Jolie and Aniston were first made by a writer for the New York Post named Maureen Callahan.
She related the story of when Brad, Angelina, and their six children met her family for the first time on the airplane. She began by responding to the statement and making the following observation: “When Jolie emerged from the bathroom, she says her children asked if she was OK. Jolie claims that when she bent down to hug her children, Pitt shoved her and yelled, “No, mommy’s not OK.” This family is doomed because of her actions. She’s out of her mind. “
She also mentioned that all six of the couple’s children, as well as the crew members, were present as witnesses. It is reasonable to assume that all of them saw Pitt lunge at Maddox’s son, as Jolie says here; that they saw Pitt fling Jolie around like a rag doll when she attempted to intervene; and that they heard Pitt call her an expletive. “
“That they all saw and heard Pitt stalk up and down the aisle, exploding every half hour or so as he drank and terrorised the children.” “That they all saw and heard Pitt stalk up and down the aisle.”