
Pet Owners are Excited about App that Translates Cat Meows

People can use the MeowTalk app to figure out what their cats are saying.

News Desk
2 Min Read
Pet Owners are Excited about App that Translates Cat Meows
  • Mobile application has claimed it can translate what a cat is trying to say.
  • MeowTalk will use smartphone to listen to meows and translate them.
  • App became huge success and went viral in Japan with 17 million downloads.

Metro News said that a new mobile app says it can use artificial intelligence (AI) to figure out what a cat is trying to say to its owner. Dogs are more expressive, and their owners can understand how they feel, but it’s hard to figure out what a cat is trying to say.

MeowTalk is an app that people can use to figure out what their cats are saying. It will use a smartphone to listen to the meows and translate them into English phrases like “feed me” or “I love you.”

The people who made the game say that every cat has its own set of words and a unique way of saying what it wants to say. In the same setting, two different meows can mean different things. People say that cats might not have a language because they don’t all meow the same way to say the same things. But they think that machine learning can be used to figure out what each cat is saying.

Users say that MeowTalk isn’t perfect because cat owners have to learn the cat’s language on their own. According to one user, the app allows them to change and add translations “to make the app more accurate.”

“But why use the app at all if you already know what the meow means?” asked a cat lover. Regardless, the app was a huge success, with 17 million people in Japan downloading it. About 250 million different meows were written down.

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