
GSMA Report Highlights Pakistan’s Digital Progress

The report reveals the blueprint to address these challenges: infrastructure, innovation, data governance, security, and people.

Press Release
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GSMA Report Highlights Pakistan's Digital Progress
GSMA Report Highlights Pakistan's Digital Progress

Pakistan is poised for a digital revolution, as per a recent GSMA assessment. Although the nation has achieved great progress in terms of smartphone penetration and mobile connection, there is still unrealized potential to spur economic growth.

“Realising Pakistan’s Aspiration to Become a Digital Nation,” a report, provides a clear roadmap for the future. Increasing internet access, encouraging innovation, and putting strong data governance and security mechanisms in place are important areas of focus. In order to do this, the government must lower taxes on mobile services and lower the cost of spectrum, therefore fostering an atmosphere that is favorable to the tech sector.

Ahsan Iqbal Chaudhry, Pakistan’s Federal Minister for Planning, Development, and Reform, reaffirmed the government’s dedication to creating a Digital Pakistan. He placed a strong emphasis on initiatives to promote innovation and advance digitalization, as well as support for startups and the ICT sector.

The GSMA research emphasizes how important it is to close the digital gap. Only 25% of people use mobile internet services, despite major increases in mobile broadband coverage. In order to solve this, public policy and infrastructure spending must be prioritized in order to lower the cost of internet access for all.

Read More: Mobile Connectivity Of Millions In Pakistan At Risk Warns GSMA

Pakistan has the capacity to lead the area in digitalization, according to the GSMA. Pakistan may realize its full potential and enhance the lives of its people by implementing the report’s recommendations and fostering an atmosphere that is conducive to digital companies.

M360 Asia Pacific 2024, 1-2 October

Delegates attending this year’s edition of M360 Asia Pacific in Seoul will have the opportunity to hear from thought leaders and attend keynotes and panel discussions covering key topics such as how AI is reshaping business services, 5G acceleration and IoT (Internet of Things).

M360 Asia Pacific is brought in partnership with Host Sponsor, KT and will convene leading industry figures and policymakers from across the region. We welcome members of the media to pre-register for M360 Asia Pacific, taking place at Westin Josun, Seoul.

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